

My job as an Intuitive Counselor is to provide my clients with an encouraging environment and the tools to help them move from feeling lost to reaching self-empowerment and fulfillment, whether it is through individual counseling, classes or articles.

Below is some feedback people have chosen to share.

Kim has blended into my life seamlessly, enabling me to create positive lasting change in my life and relationships. As a practitioner myself, having Kim’s support has helped me create balance in my practice as well as my life outside of it. She challenges me with great care and curiosity which helps a great deal when I need to lean in. I highly recommend Kim as a healer and guide to those who are ready to expand, grow and thrive in their lives. 

– Craig G.

I really needed to speak to someone about the challenges I was facing in my life. I did not know where or who to go to. I got the nerve to call Kim and asked how does this all work. Kim was understanding, kind, and honest. She accepted me as I came with compassion. To this day I continue to work with Kim Illig. She has helped me through my ups and downs in life. Kim has truly helped me transform my life from out of the darkness and into the light. I know I couldn’t have done it alone. I am deeply grateful and blessed to have her in my life as she continues to guide me along the way. 

– Patricia R.

Life with Kim is a joyful, integrative, awakening and confirming time of soul discovery and healing. Her life experience, training, and presence allows me to settle in, clarify my spiritual concerns, and deepen my understanding and view of my life situations. Her wisdom is deep. She speaks the truth in love which is not always comfortable yet allows for fruitful growth. I am indebted to her for her willingness and openness to journey with me over these years through much interfaith exploration. Kim is an authentic and wonderful soul companion. 

– Deborah A.

“Kim’s work is absolutely outstanding. She is a gifted intuitive as well as a highly skilled professional with a deeply compassionate heart. Any one who seeks out her assistance will find it an extremely healing experience.”

– Caroline M. Myss, author of Sacred Contracts and Anatomy of the Spirit

“Kim has demonstrated a keen ability to assist clients in resolving emotional blocks and moving to a more balanced personality. I am pleased to recommend her as a talented counselor.” 

– C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D., Founding President, American Holistic Medical Association, and author of numerous publications including Sacred Healing and 90 Days to Stress Free Living

Working with Kim has provided an incredibly safe and loving space to explore the deepest questions of my heart and mind. Though we connect virtually, I feel the clarity of her presence and attuned listening. Kim provides a container for my own truth and wisdom to emerge. She is a guide for me as I traverse my path towards greater freedom and authenticity. I always leave our sessions feeling relieved, empowered, and uplifted. Speaking with her monthly helps me to stay consciously connected to whatever is arising in my life, and to appreciate the lessons that emerge along the way.

– Theresa Elwell, Omaha, Nebraska (www.TheresaElwell.com)

“In working with Kim, I found clarity and insight and was inspired to follow my head and my heart to make positive changes in my life. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to work with her and will continue to learn about myself from the work we did. She uses a combination of compassion and humor that made the work meaningful, heartfelt, fun, and inspiring at the same time.”

– Julie Fields, Rocklin, CA

“Thank you Kim. We have done so much work together: ‘today’s appointment’ felt like the fastest shift I’ve ever experienced and all thanks to you. I hope I will one day be as gifted as you when it comes to helping others.”

– Tarah Herrington, New York City

“I hear from other women how much your presence and reputation and the grace you bring are important to their involvement in (Inner) Yaga activities. I experience these things every day we work together. The grace you bring to all we do is awesome to see.”

– Teresa Atwill, Newport, OR

“Your work is invaluable and I learned so much from you every visit. You have a different and incredibly useful perspective. You bring so much light to your work and your clients.”

– Laurie, Seattle, WA

“Thank you for being exactly who you are…an amazing healer who offers her wisdom with so much love and compassion.”

– Janet Hupprich, Issaquah, WA

“I have been in counseling with Kim… to uncover the deep directions and meanings of my life.  It’s … an amazing journey inward.  I am really enjoying learning to use the rich tool of the meaning of archetypes.”

 – Charlotte House, Seattle, WA

“I have had the opportunity to work with many counselors and healers in different capacities. Kim is truly gifted. Little did I know when I first saw her for some some anger and anxiety issues that I would be finding the road to self acceptance. Her compassion, understanding of the human condition, intuitive sense, and loving yet honest nature has helped me launch myself into a new level of happiness and confidence in all aspects of my life. I have rarely felt so understood and seen, which has been amazingly healing for me in a short time. Thank you, Kim!”

 – I.W., M.S. Counseling

“Kim Illig is a brilliant, intuitive healer, and a woman grounded in her feminine awareness. She is open, available, and present…with herself and others. I strongly recommend her.”

 – Dennis Mead-Shikaly

“Because of Kim’s intuitive wisdom and heart-felt compassion, I was able to make sense of issues that I previously allowed to incapacitate me in a variety of ways throughout my life. Uncovering and understanding my sense of defining and identifying myself as a victim my entire life set me on a whole new path of healing. I am truly blessed to have worked with Kim. She is truly an amazing intuitive counselor.”

 – Debbie Knox

“Along with…(Kim’s)…deep caring and great sense of humor, I gained more than I ever believed I would. I gained a treasure that I can live with each and every day: knowledge, acceptance and love of myself along with the awareness of the need for continued growth. I’ve learned to integrate my mind and spirit with my body.”

 – Mickie Journey, Issaquah, WA

“Thanks to Kim for all the great work she has done over her time as (the) Central Office Administrator for Hellerwork International. Her sharp and focused intelligence has been always in the service of challenging and expecting the most professional outcomes for Hellerwork and (she held) a special tensegrity space for all the various groups that made up Hellerwork during this transitional time.”

 – Hellerwork International Board of Directors

“Kim Illig’s gifts of intuition, wisdom, compassion and humor have nudged my spirit to make a dramatic shift in how I interact with the world. She has shown me how to regain my strength and clarity to become an empowered and compassionate individual.”

 – Nancy Colton, singer and songwriter

“Kim supports others in finding focus and direction with alacrity and ease.”

 – Nick Klevans, Hellerwork Practitioner

“Kim helped me to open a door into myself that I didn’t know existed. Her insight and compassion during our work together was unparalleled by any other practitioner I’ve had the opportunity to work with. She helped me to understand the strong connection between mind, body, and spirit, and what that means on an individual level. Thank you Kim!”

 – Megan Wirsching RN, BSN

The class was very stimulating and thoughtful.  It opened new horizons in my way of being in the world.”

 – Laura Prince- Fall City, WA

“Kim brought great truth, humor, intellect, humility and love to the subject matter.”

 – Barbara Prince, Washington

“It felt like the missing piece of the puzzle for me. It filled in a lot of blanks and tied a lot of things I’ve learned in the past all together.”

“I enjoyed the open honest discussions.  Kim’s warmth and casualness invited trust and I felt like I was really heard when I spoke.”

I am also an “Intuitive Development Expert” on SelfGrowth.com.