What Does an Intuitive Counselor Do?
Referred by colleagues in the healing arts, prospective clients often contact me without really knowing what an intuitive counselor can do for them. Struggling with health concerns, depression, anxiety, or detachment from their everyday lives, few of them realize that their symptoms may be a call for them to access the deep inner self. I have found that each individual is rich in symbolic language. Just as we collectively interpret a red light to mean, ‘Stop!’ any form of discomfort can be a sign from our spirit to cease regular activity. A headache or a panic attack may be an urgent message, just as important to one’s safety and wellbeing as a stop sign. What is the message? That’s to be determined.
Self Improvement and Motivation
When I think of the roadblocks to succeeding in self improvement, staying consistently motivated toward attaining my goals is one roadblock that can so easily knock me off the wagon. Lack of motivation is probably the biggest stress factor in personal growth.
It’s getting to understand how motivation works within you that is the key, actually. What I would like to share are some key points that have assisted both me and my clients in understanding our relationship with motivation.
Managing These Times
When I wrote the title of this month’s essay I noticed how I wanted to put a qualifier before the word ‘times’; like difficult, or challenging or bad or chaotic. But if I do that, I’m aware that I am hedging myself into a an attitude of interpretation and that hedging is probably not doing these times any justice.
New Year’s Resolutions That Actually Work
I don’t know about you, but I know that I have made many New Year’s resolutions over the years. For myself though, both personally and as the professional observer I am as a spiritual director, there’s a standard hitch that generally affects all New Year’s resolutions: we are lucky if our excellent intentions last out the month of January! Why is this and how can we optimize our success at achieving the goals we set?
Finding the Right Counselor – No Matter Where You…
You are probably standing at the crossroads, realizing that some things about the way you have been managing your life just don’t work anymore. You could be facing scarcity, loss, anxiety or anger and you’re looking for a way through the resulting labyrinth. Or you could be facing such abundance that you need to find a way to manage it all well and maintain a healthy balance in your life.
Read more “Finding the Right Counselor – No Matter Where You Live”
Learning to Set Your Personal Boundaries
(printed in the New Spirit Journal August 2007)
As an intuitive counselor, I help men and women gain a deeper understanding of their emotions, dreams and goals. Together, my clients and I create opportunities for self-discovery that allow them to open doors to create the lives they want. One obstacle to living authentically that I see very often is people having soft personal boundaries.