Energy Hygiene: The core to self acceptance
In all the decades that I have held self-acceptance as the core practice that supports us in choosing the path of happiness in our life, one of the skill sets and awareness practices that I have found to be very helpful is Energy Hygiene.
Think about it*…how many habits do you have in the name of taking care of yourself every day? I hope you brush your teeth! ☺ Maybe you take vitamins, exercise, bathe, meditate or make sure you get to bed in time so you get plenty of rest. Remember that all these self-care habits have been taught to you or you have chosen to cultivate…in other words, they are all learned skill sets.
I am not quite at the age yet to be considered venerable perhaps, but I find more gray hair on my head than brown now. In my lifetime we have succeeded from advancing from the Newtonian physics ruleset where only the experience of the five senses are considered to be valid to the Quantum physics ruleset which includes the validity of the unseen in oh-so-many ways. It hasn’t been very long that this perspective shift has been available to the mainstream of society to integrate its everyday consequences. Those consequences include that it is a reality that we have a personal energy field, that we have an emotional system that gives us important information, and an empathic capacity that naturally connects with others’ fields in a way that may add unseen debris to our own fields.
This energetic debris that either doesn’t belong to us, or is ready to release from our field, can be what causes us some (or a lot!) of the discomfort we feel in our bodies, minds, hearts and spirits. One of the cool things about the body is one of its functions is to act like a cheese cloth…it takes the stress that you have not been able to, (or are available to), manage and it stores it for you. One perspective is that when your body’s ‘cheese cloth’ gets fully saturated, you get sick and your body gets cleared through the disease process.
A standard ‘new’ understanding, that I believe comes from our shift to a Quantum ruleset, is the idea that much of what actually happens in your world is based on what attitude or perspective you bring to your self-inquiry. So….what if you really buy into the idea that you have a personal field that really can get filled up with debris from others or from you moving through your day? What if it would be a good thing to learn to clear it regularly much like you brush your teeth to keep yourself healthy? What if you cultivated an energy hygiene habit that could assist you in not needing to get sick in order to clear your personal field? What if it was easy to do and it worked?
If you say, “OK…count me in”, here are some tips.
I find that intention is the most important factor when working with the unseen aspects of your personal energy field. (btw, intention requires a ‘buy in’ too!) If you spend just five minutes a day in self-inquiry intentionally releasing anything that isn’t yours or anything that is yours that is ready to let go, you will be doing yourself a great favor. I will be giving you a energy management meditation that you can do every day in my upcoming free online session, Energy Hygiene, taking place on September 22nd, 2015 at 12:00pm PST. Register here to save your place in the session.
Just because it is fairly new for our culture to understand about the reality of a personal energy field, that doesn’t mean we haven’t naturally released energetic debris for millennia. When you exercise or do creative pursuits your energetic system can clear as a result. It may delight you to know ☺ that having an orgasm appears to similarly clear your personal energy field. Because of the mainstreaming of the validity of the unseen, when you add intention to any of these activities, you will get more ‘bang’ for your buck!
You will know that you are ‘clear’ if you feel a feeling of calm, rejuvenation, or quiet satisfaction. Another indication that your energy field is clear is that you move from feeling agitated to a more neutral curiosity about whatever situation you face.
* A disclaimer: when I describe energy hygiene, know that I come from the perspective of an American. I suspect that different cultures may have different regular patterns of self-care. If that is the case here for you, dear reader, please take my offering as a potential template rather than dogma, ok?
Will you offer energy hygiene again after 9/22? I will have to miss it–out of the country.
Hi Mimi,
Thank you so much for your inquiry and your interest in the free online course that is associated with this blog. You are not the only one who will not be able to attend the live event. And…I will be posting it in my video library along with the rest of my online sessions. https://kimillig.com/category/video-library/ Stay tuned! Blessings to you and yours.
[…] For those who are interested in downloading the meditation steps discussed in this session, please click here. You can also read my full blog on Energy Hygiene by clicking here. […]
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